(in alphabetical order)









































































































































Gamochaeta americana Acyrthosiphon bidenticola; Aphis gossypii, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Myzus ornatus; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Uroleucon ambrosiae
G. antillanaAphis gossypii; Neomyzus circumflexus
G. calvicepsAphis gossypii
G. pensylvanicaAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; [Uroleucon rudbeckiae]
G. purpureaBrachycaudus helichrysi; Protaphis middletonii
G. spiciformisMacrosiphum euphorbiae

Use key to apterae on Gnaphalium.

Gamolepis see SteirodiscusAsteraceae
Garcinia Clusiaceae
Garcinia madruno Aphis spiraecola
G. multifloraAphis odinae
G. spicataSinomegoura citricola

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gardenia augusta = G. jasminoides
G. cornutaAphis gossypii
G. florida = G. jasminoides
G. jasminoides Aphis aurantii, citricidus, gossypii, nasturtii, odinae,
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus ornatus; Neomyzus circumflexus;
Sinomegoura citricola
G. radicans = G. jasminoides
G. thunbergiaAphis aurantii, gossypii; Myzus persicae
Gardenia spp.Sinomegoura rhododendri; Smynthurodes betae

Key to apterae on Gardenia:-

1. Cauda black, long, finger-like and pointed, 0.18-0.25 × BL, as long as or slightly longer than SIPH, which are paler basally and darker distally…..2
Cauda pale or dark, if dark then rounded at apex, less than 0.16 × BL, and SIPH are also uniformly dark (if present) …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
2. Cauda with 12-24 hairs. SIPH dark on about distal 0.7 of length…..Sinomegoura citricola
Cauda with at most 7 hairs. SIPH dark only at apices …..Sinomegoura rhododendri
Garnotia (as Granotia?) Poaceae
Garnotia sp.Kaochiaoja arthraxonis (as Micromyzus granotiae)
Garrya ellipticaMyzus ornatus
G. fadyeniaAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gastridium Poaceae
Gastridium sp.Rhopalosiphum padi
Gastrolobium Fabaceae
Gastrolobium dilatatum Meringosiphon paradisicum
Gaudinia fragilisSitobion fragariae
Gaultheria (including Pernettya) Ericaceae
Gaultheria mucronata Aphis gaultheriae; Aulacorthum solani;
(incl. var. microphylla) Ericaphis scammelli;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, parvifolii;
Myzus ornatus; Neomyzus circumflexus
G. procumbensIllinoia borealis
G. shallonAulacorthum dorsatum, pterinigrum, solani;
Ericaphis wakibae; Illinoia lambersi;
Neomyzus circumflexus
Gaultheria sp.Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii;
Ericolophium sp. (Meghalaya, India; BMNH colln, leg.
AK Samanta)

Key to apterae on Gaultheria:-

1 SIPH and cauda both dark…..2
SIPH pale or dark, cauda pale…..3
2 Dorsal abdomen with dark sclerites divided into polygons. R IV+V not longer than HT II. No stridulatory apparatus…..Aphis gaultheriae
Dorsal abdomen without dark sclerites. R IV+V longer than HT II. Stridulatory apparatus present (fig.122)….. Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
3 Dorsal abdomen with dark markings. Head with spicules, at least ventrally …..4
Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. Head with or without spicules …..8
4 Dorsal abdomen with a pattern of intersegmental dark markings. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8 …..Myzus ornatus
Dorsal thorax and abdomen usually with extensive dark sclerotisation. ANT PT/BASE 3.2-5.2…..5
5Dorsal abdomen with a roughly U-shaped dorsal patch. Head densely spiculose/nodulose dorsally and ventrally…..Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsal sclerotisation not U-shaped. Head with spicules mostly on ventral side surface…..6
6ANT III without rhinaria. SIPH 0.23-0.26 × BL…..Ericaphis wakibae
ANT III with 1-5 rhinaria. SIPH 0.25-0.33 × BL…..7
7Dorsal cuticle very wrinkled, variably pigmented but often mostly dark, with large marginal and post-siphuncular sclerites forming a broad dark stripe on each side of body…..Aulacorthum pterinigrum
Dorsal cuticle almost smooth, variably pigmented in spino-pleural region but without dark marginal sclerites anterior to SIPH…..Aulacorthum dorsatum
8ANT BASE VI 1.6-1.8 × R IV+V, which bears only 2 accessory hairs. SIPH c.0.24 × BL, 6.5-7.5 × their diameter at midlength and 1.8-2.2 × cauda. ANT III without rhinaria…..Ericolophium sp. (Meghalaya, BMNH collection)
ANT BASE VI 0.8-1.55 × R IV+V, which bears 6-23 accessory hairs. SIPH either relatively shorter or more slender. ANT III often with 1 or more rhinaria on basal half…..9
9 Inner faces of ANT tubercles rugose or spiculose. SIPH without a distinct subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (sometimes with subapical transverse striae and 1-2 rows of closed polygonal cells)…..10
Inner faces of ANT tubercles smooth. SIPH with a distinct subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells)…..11
10SIPH 1.5-1.75 × cauda. ANT tubercles low, with inner faces divergent and median frontal tubercle well developed. ANT III without rhinaria …..Ericaphis scammelli
SIPH 2.1-2.5 × cauda. ANT tubercles well-developed, with inner faces steep-sided, and median frontal tubercle much lower or undeveloped. 1-2 small rhinaria usually present on ANT III …..Aulacorthum solani
11Longest hairs on ANT III 0.5-1.0 × BD III. SIPH pale, or dusky only at apices; cylindrical or swollen on distal half proximal to reticulated region…..12
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.2-0.4 × BD III. SIPH rather dark, and swollen on distal half proximal to reticulated section…..13
12SIPH distinctly swollen on distal half proximal to reticulated region. ANT BASE VI long and thin, 2.2-2.6 × R IV+V…..Macrosiphum parvifolii
SIPH cylindrical on distal half, sometimes a little constricted in reticulated region. ANT BASE VI 0.9-1.3 × R IV+V…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
13First tarsal segments with 5 hairs. RIV+V with 15-23 accessory hairs…..Illinoia lambersi
First tarsal segments with 3 (-4) hairs. R IV+V with 7-11 accessory hairs…..Illinoia borealis
Gaura biennisMacrosiphum gaurae, [pallidum]
G. coccineaAphis craccivora
G. lindheimeriMacrosiphum gaurae
G. mollis Macrosiphum gaurae
G. parviflora = G. mollis
Gaura sp.[Aphis costalis]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to apterae on Gaura:-

1 Oval aphid, BL 1.1-2.3 mm. Dorsum with a black sclerotic shield. SIPH and cauda both entirely black, SIPH without polygonal reticulation…..Aphis craccivora
Spindle-shaped aphid, BL 2.0-3.9 mm. Dorsum pale. SIPH pale at least basally, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..2
2 SIPH dark brown to black for most of length, paler basally. ANT dark. R IV+V 1.1-1.25 × HT II….. Macrosiphum gaurae
SIPH mainly pale, sometimes darker towards apices. ANT mainly pale. R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II….. Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Gaya parviflora Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Gaylussacia frondosa [Illinoia sp. (Leonard 1971: 80)]
Gaylussacia sp.Illinoia finni
Gazania elegans” (?) Aphis craccivora
G. linearisMyzus ornatus, persicae
G. longiscapa = G. linearis
G. pectinataAphis gossypii
G. rigensAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Myzus persicae; Protaphis terricola;
[Uroleucon sp(p). (Leonard 1968, 344 and 1972a, 111)]
G. uniflora = G. rigens
Gazania sp.Aulacorthum solani

Key to apterae on Gazania:-

1ANT PT/BASE 0.7-1.5. SIPH dark, shorter than the short triangular, very hairy cauda…..Protaphis terricola
ANT PT/BASE more than 1.5. SIPH if dark then longer than cauda…..2
2 Dorsum with an extensive black sclerotic shield. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes. Cauda short and rounded …..Brachycaudus cardui
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Geissorhiza. inaequalis Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Geitonoplesium cymosum Aulacorthum solani; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gelsemium sempervirens [Hyalomyzus eriobotryae]
Genipa americana Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Genista (including Chamaemelum, Teline)Fabaceae
Genista aetnensisAphis cytisorum
G. anglicaAcyrthosiphon ericetorum; Aphis genistae, ononidis
G. balansae ssp. europaea Aphis cytisorum
G. canariensis Aphis craccivora, gossypii; Myzus persicae
G. capitata =Cytisus hirsutus
G. cinerascensAphis fabae
G. cinereaAcyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis cytisorum, fabae, gossypii
G. fasselataAphis craccivora/ cytisorum group (Israel, BMNH colln)
G. floridaAcyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis cytisorum
G. germanicaAcyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis genistae
G. horrida =Echinospartum horridum
G. humifusaAphis genistae
G. lydia (incl. “Cytisus rhodopeus”) Acyrthosiphon parvum, pisum
G. monosperma = Retama monosperma
G. monspessulana Acyrthosiphon parvum
G. myriantha = G. scorpius ssp. myriantha
G. ovata = G. tinctoria
G. pilosaAcyrthosiphon parvum, pisum; Ctenocallis dobrovljanskyi
G. radiataAphis genistae
G. sagittalisAcyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis cytisorum, genistae
G. scorpius (incl. ssp. myriantha) Aphis craccivora, cytisorum, genistae
G. sessilifoliaAphis cytisorum
G. sphacelata = G. fasselata
G. sphaerocarpa see Retama sphaerocarpa
G. tinctoriaAcyrthosiphon genistae, pisum;
Aphis craccivora, cytisorum, genistae
G. tridentataAphis craccivora
G. umbellataAphis cytisorum
Genista sp.[Acyrthosiphon echinospartii]

Key to apterae on Genista:-

1Body with a complete segmental series of long finger-like marginal processes. Cauda knobbed…..Ctenocallis dobrovljanskyi
Body without long marginal processes. Cauda not knobbed…..2
2Body spindle-shaped, pale. ANT longer than BL. SIPH pale or dark, thin and cylindrical on distal half. Cauda elongate finger-shaped, pale…..3
Body oval, often with dark dorsal markings. ANT shorter than BL. SIPH dark, tapering from base to apex. Cauda tongue-shaped, pale or dark…..6
3ANT VI BASE less than 2 × R IV+V. SIPH tapering, not attenuated, less than 10 × their width at midlength. Cauda with 6-9 hairs…..Acyrthosiphon parvum
ANT VI BASE more than 2 × R IV+V. SIPH attenuated, more than 10 × longer than their width at midlength. Cauda with 8-14 hairs…..4
4Cauda very thick; at midpoint at least 3 × width of SIPH at midpoint. Femoral apices pale. SIPH pale, or only dusky at extreme apices…..Acyrthosiphon pisum
Cauda thinner; at midpoint less than 2.5 × width of SIPH at midpoint. Femoral apices usually dark. SIPH dark, or darkening gradually from base to apex…..5
5BL less than 2.5 mm. SIPH darkening towards apex …..Acyrthosiphon ericetorum
BL more than 2.5 mm. SIPH wholly dark…..Acyrthosiphon genistae*
6Cauda paler than SIPH. Dorsal abdomen without any dark markings …..Aphis gossypii
Cauda as black as SIPH. Dorsal abdomen with at least some dark markings …..7
7 Cauda with 11-25 hairs. Dorsal abdomen usually with a few small dark spots anterior to SIPH…..Aphis fabae
Cauda with 4-13 hairs. Dorsal abdomen usually with extensive dark sclerotisation …..8
8 SIPH 0.2-0.8 × cauda…..9
SIPH 1.1-2.2 × cauda…..10
9 SIPH 0.2-0.3 × cauda. Hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.4 × BD III …..Aphis ononidis
SIPH 0.5-0.8 × cauda. Hairs on ANT III 0.8-1.3 × BD III …..Aphis genistae
10R IV+V 0.88-1.16 × HT II (mostly 0.9-1.05 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2 (-3) hairs…..Aphis craccivora
R IV+V 0.97-1.3 × HT II (mostly 1.06-1.2 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2-8 hairs (mode 4, mean 5.2)…..Aphis cytisorum
Gentiana asclepiadea Aphis fabae, gentianae,
[gentianella Tashev (nomen nudum)];
Metopeurum gentianae
G. aurea = Gentianella aurea
G. cruciataAphis gentianae; [Myzus cerasi]
G. kurrooAphis gossypii
G. luteaAphis fabae, orocantabrica, solanella, [Aphis sp. (French
Alps, BMNH collection, leg G. Remaudière)];
Aulacorthum solani
G. olgaeBrachycaudus gentianae
G. panonnicaAphis fabae
G. punctataAphis fabae
G. purpureaAphis fabae
G. scabraMacrosiphum euphorbiae
G. schistocalyx = G. asclepiadea
G. septemfidaMacrosiphum euphorbiae
G. tianschanicaBrachycaudus cerasicola, gentianae
G. turkestanorum = Gentianella turkestanorum
G. vernaAphis gossypii
Gentiana sp. Aphis sp. (Austria, BMNH collection, leg. R.N.B. Prior)

Key to apterae on Gentiana:-

1SIPH with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation…..2
SIPH without polygonal reticulation…..3
2ANT tubercles well developed. ANT III with 1-10 rhinaria. SIPH long, more than 10 × their width at midlength, with a well-developed flange and reticulation on distal 0.13-0.2 of length…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
ANT tubercles not well developed. ANT III with 7-16 rhinaria. SIPH less than 6 × their width at midlength, with a small flange and reticulation on at least distal 0.33 of length…..Metopeurum gentianae
3Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width, with 5 hairs…..Brachycaudus gentianae (or cerasicola)
Cauda tongue-like, much longer than its basal width, with 4-25 hairs…..4
4 Cauda with 4-12 hairs. Longest hairs on outer side of hind tibia less than 35 μm …..5
Cauda with 11-25 hairs. Longest hairs on outer side of hind tibia more than 40 μm …..7
5ABD TERG 1-5 and 7 with large domed marginal tubercles (MTu) …..Aphis gentianae
Only ABD TERG 1 and 7 constantly with MTu; smaller MTu irregularly present on some of ABD TERG 2-6…..6
6 ANT PT/BASE 2.1-3.2…..Aphis gossypii
ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.8(-2.2)…..Aphis orocantabrica
7SIPH 0.6-0.75 × cauda (pale red-brown in life)…..Aphis sp., Austria (BMNH collection)
SIPH 0.8-1.9 × cauda (black in life)…..8
8SIPH 4.9-17 × longer than the longest marginal hairs on ABD TERG 2-4…..Aphis solanella
SIPH 2.4-5.4 × longer than the longest marginal hairs on ABD TERG 2-4…..Aphis fabae
Gentianella aurea Myzus icelandicus
G. decumbensBrachycaudus cerasicola
G. turkestanorum Brachycaudus cerasicola
Geoffroea decorticans Aphis craccivora
Geophila macropoda Aphis gossypii
Geraea sp.Uroleucon ambrosiae
Geranium affineAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. bicknelliiAmphorophora geranii
G. caeruleatumAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. caespitosumAmphorophora coloutensis
G. collinumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Maculolachnus submacula;
[Trama troglodytes]
G. columbianumAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. dahuricumCryptaphis geranicola
G. dalmaticumAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. dissectumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aulacorthum solani
G. divaricatum[Aphis urticata]; Indoidiopterus geranii;
Macrosiphum pseudogeranii; [Micromyzodium filicium];
Myzus sp.( India; BMNH collection, leg. A.N. Chowdhuri)
G. erianthumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Cryptaphis geranicola
G. fremontii = G. caespitosum
G. guatemalense = G. seemannii
G. koreanumCryptaphis geranicola
G. lucidumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aulacorthum solani;
[Cavariella konoi]; Macrosiphum pseudogeranii;
[Micromyzodium filicium]
G. macrorrhizumAmphorophora tuberculata
G. maculatumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Macrosiphum geranii
G. maderenseAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. mascatenseAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Indoidiopterus geranii; Myzus ornatus
G. molleAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Maculolachnus submacula;
Myzus ascalonicus, persicae
G. nepalenseAphis fabae; Cryptaphis geranicola;
Macrosiphum pseudogeranii
G. ocellatum = G. mascatense
G. phaeumAcyrthosiphon malvae; [Macrosiphum gei]
G. potentilloidesAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aulacorthum solani
G. pratenseAcyrthosiphon malvae; Macrosiphum ?geranii
G. pseudosibiricum Acyrthosiphon malvae
G. purpureumAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. pusillumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aphis fabae; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus ascalonicus; [Nasonovia ribisnigri]
G. pyrenaicumAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. renardiiMyzus ornatus
G. richardsoniiAcyrthosiphon malvae; Amphorophora coloutensis, geranii;
Macrosiphum aetheocornum, euphorbiae;
Nasonovia crenicorna
G. robertianumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aphis nasturtii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; [Macrosiphum funestum, gei];
Maculolachnus submacula;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Indoidiopterus geranii
G. rotundifoliumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aphis fabae; Myzus persicae
G. ruprechtiiAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. sanguineumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus ascalonicus
G. saxatileAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. seemanniiAcyrthosiphon malvae
G. sibiricumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Cryptaphis geranicola;
Maculolachnus submacula
G. sylvaticumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Aulacorthum solani
G. thunbergiiCryptaphis geranicola
G. tuberosumMacrosiphum euphorbiae
G. viscosissimumAmphorophora geranii, [Amphorophora sp. (see];
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphum aetheocornum; Nasonovia crenicorna
G. wallichianumMacrosiphum pseudogeranii; Indoidiopterus geranii
Geranium spp. [Acutosiphon obliquoris];
Aphis craccivora, [geranii Hereman 1840 (nomen
nudum)], Aphis sp. (Pakistan, BMNH collection);
[Capitophorus carduinus]; [Dysaphis microsiphon];
[Macrosiphoniella sanborni];
[Macrosiphum solutum Blanchard 1939 (= Acyrthosiphon
Macrosiphum sp.(Manitoba; BMNH collection, leg. A.G.
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae; [Thecabius affinis]

Key to apterae on Geranium (N.B. for florists’ geraniums, see Pelargonium):-

1 SIPH as pores on broad dark hairy cones…..Maculolachnus submacula
SIPH tubular…..2
2 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells)…..3
SIPH without polygonal reticulation, or with only 1-3 rather indistinct rows of cells…..7
3 Distal 0.3-0.4 of femore black. SIPH wholly black. First tarsal segments with 4 hairs (including 2 sense pegs)…..Macrosiphum pseudogeraniae
Femora dusky or dark only at apices. SIPH pale, dusky, or pale at bases. First tarsal segments with 3 hairs (1 sense peg)…..4
4R IV+V 0.8-1.0 × HT II…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
R IV+V 1.2-1.7 × HT II…..5
5SIPH 1.5-1.8 × cauda, mainly dark, with paler basal part. R IV+V with 9-11 accessory hairs…..Macrosiphum sp. (cult. Geranium sp., Manitoba: BMNH colln)
SIPH 2.0-2.4 × cauda, mainly pale, dusky or dark towards apices. R IV+V with either 5-8 or 12-16 accessory hairs…..6
6R IV+V bearing 12-16 accessory hairs. SIPH sometimes bearing 1-4 hairs (Fig.30a; but often without any)…..Macrosiphum aetheocornum
R IV+V bearing 5-8 accessory hairs. SIPH without hairs …..Macrosiphum geranii
7Dorsal body hairs very long, the longest of them 3 or more × ANT BD III. Dorsal cuticle sclerotic, dark…..Cryptaphis geranicola
Dorsal body hairs less than 2 × BD III. Dorsal cuticle pale or dark …..8
8SIPH with 5-11 blunt or capitate hairs (Fig.30b)…..Nasonovia crenicorna
SIPH without hairs…..9
9Cuticle of head smooth, without spicules. ANT tubercles well developed, with inner faces smooth and divergent…..10
Either cuticle of head spiculose, or ANT tubercles weakly developed or undeveloped…..13
10SIPH cylindrical on distal half (Fig.30c). Longest hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.6 × BD III…..Acyrthosiphon malvae
SIPH swollen on distal half. Longest hairs on ANT III 0.7-1.0 × BD III …..11
11ABD TERG 2-5 with marginal tubercles (MTu), usually well-developed, with 2 marginal hairs of very unequal length situated anterio-dorsad and posterio-vantrad of each tubercle (Fig.30d)…..Amphorophora tuberculata
ABD TERG 2-5 usually without MTu, and marginal hairs all of similar length …..12
12 R IV+V 1.1-1.6 × HT II, with 15-25 accessory hairs. ANT III with 0-2 rhinaria…..Amphorophora coloutensis
R IV+V 1.9-2.2 × HT II, with 30-40 accessory hairs. ANT III with 4-8 rhinaria…..Amphorophora geranii
13Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 very short and thick, with clubbed apices (Fig.30f). Abdominal spiracular plates raised as rounded tubercles (Fig.30g). (Head spiculose, SIPH slightly clavate. Al. with forewing veins fuscous-bordered and media fused with Rs) …..Indoidiopterus geranii
Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 thin; long or short, blunt or pointed. Abdominal spiracular plates not raised. (Head smooth or spiculose, SIPH clavate, cylindrical or tapering)…..14
14Head spiculose, tergum very rugose. SIPH coarsely imbricated (scaly), slightly clavate, longer than ANT III. R IV+V 1.3-1.5 × HT II…..Myzus sp. H.P., India (BMMH collection)
If head spiculose then other characters are not in that combination…..15
15SIPH black, 0.08-0.12 × BL, about equal in length to the dark cauda. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.4 (only more than 2.0 in small specimens of BL c.1mm)…..Aphis sp. (near spiraecola), Pakistan (BMNH collection)
SIPH pale or dark, if dark then relatively longer, and ANT PT/BASE also longer…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Gerardia see AgalinisOrobanchaceae
Gerbera hybridaAphis gossypii
G. jamesoniiAphis craccivora, fabae, gossypii, solanella, spiraecola;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Capitophorus elaeagni; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus cymbalariae, ornatus, persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus; Uroleucon ambrosiae, compositae
G. macrophyllaAphis gossypii; [Trichosiphonaphis gerberae]
Gerbera spp.[Aphis sp. (imm. only; Portugal, BMNH collection)];
Indomasonaphis anaphalidis, rumicis; Myzus ascalonicus

Key to apterae on Gerbera:-

1 SIPH strongly swollen over about distal 0.7 of length, with greatest diameter of swelling more than twice the least diameter of the ‘stem’. Cauda bearing 14-32 hairs…..2
If SIPH are at all swollen then cauda has less than 12 hairs…..3
2Cauda with 25-32 hairs. R IV+V with 9-12 accessory hairs…..Indomasonaphis anaphalidis
Cauda with about 14-15 hairs. R IV+V with 2 accessory hairs….. Indomasonaphis rumicis*
3Cauda helmet-shaped, a little shorter than its basal width. Spiracular apertures large and rounded. SIPH with a subapical annular incision…..4
Cauda tongue- or finger-shaped, longer than its basal width. Spiracular apertures small and reniform. SIPH without a subapical annular incision…..5
4Abdomen without extensive dark markings. SIPH pale, smooth, 0.9-1.5 × cauda. Mesosternum without mammariform processes…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Abdomen with a extensive dark dorsal shield. SIPH dark, imbricated, 2.1-3.4 × cauda. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes …..Brachycaudus cardui
5 Long, thick capitate dorsal hairs present on head and posterior abdomen, arising from tuberculate bases. SIPH slender, pale, about as thick as hind tibia at midlength. ANT PT/BASE 6.0-9.2…..Capitophorus elaeagni
Dorsal hairs, not long, thick and capitate, without tuberculate bases; if long and slightly expanded apically then SIPH are much thicker than hind tibiae at midlength, or clavate. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-7.3….. go to key to polyphagous aphids
Geropogon hybridus Brachycaudus helichrysi, tragopogonis ssp. setosus;
Uroleucon sonchi

Use key to apterae on Tragopogon.

Gesneria cuneifolia Myzus persicae
Gesnouinia arborea Aphis parietariae
Geum (including Parageum)Rosaceae
Geum aleppicumAmphorophora gei; [Aphis diluta];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus;
Eriosoma japonicum (as Schizoneurella gei)
G. calthifolium (incl. ssp. nipponicum)Acyrthosiphon shinanonus; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
Myzus persicae
G. canadenseAcyrthosiphon pseudodirhodum; Amphorophora gei, rossi;
Macrosiphum pallidum. rosae
G. ciliatum = G.triflorum var. ciliatum
G. coccineum = G. quellyon
G. hispidumMacrosiphum gei
G. involucratum Amphorophora gei; Macrosiphum gei;
Ovatomyzus boraginacearum
G. japonicumEriosoma japonicum
G. laciniatumMacrosiphum gei
G. macrophyllum Amphorophora gei, rossi; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, gei, valerianae;
Myzus ascalonicus
G. montanum[Hyperomyzus lactucae]; Ovatomyzus boraginacearum
G. parviflorum = G. involucratum
G. peruvianumAulacorthum solani; Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
G. pyrenaicumMacrosiphum gei
G. quellyon Amphorophora gei; [Aphis sp. (Daveltshina 1964)];
Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum gei
G. rivaleAcyrthosiphon malvae ssp. potha; Amphorophora gei;
Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum gei, valerianae;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus
G. rivale × urbanum Myzus ornatus
G. schofieldiiMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus
G. strictum = G. aleppicum
G. sylvaticumMacrosiphum euphorbiae
G. triflorumMyzus ornatus;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, garyreed, valerianae
G. triflorum var. ciliatum Macrosiphum kiowanepum
G. urbanumAcyrthosiphon malvae; Amphorophora gei; Aphis fabae;
Aulacorthum solani; Macrosiphum euphorbiae, gei;
Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus, persicae;
Ovatomyzus boraginacearum; Sitobion fragariae
G. virginianumAmphorophora rossi; Macrosiphum pallidum
Geum spp.Chaetosiphon janetscheki;
[“Nectarophora sp.” (Cockerell 1903: 17)]

Key to apterae on Geum:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. Eyes with only 3 facets. Wax gland plates present on thorax and abdomen. SIPH as raised pores with sclerotic rims and surrounding hairs…..Eriosoma japonicum
ANT PT/BASE more than 1. Eyes multifaceted. No wax gland plates. SIPH tubular …..2
2 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells) …..3
SIPH without polygonal reticulation…..9
3 Longest hairs on ANT III 0.3-0.5 × BD III. ANT III with 1-4 very small rhinaria. ANT tubercles rather low, and median frontal tubercle distinctly developed …..Sitobion fragariae
Longest hairs on ANT III 0.6-1.3 × BD III. ANT III with 1-35 rhinaria of various sizes. ANT tubercles well developed, median frontal tubercle undeveloped…..4
4 Front of head pale, SIPH pale or dark only towards apices…..5
Front of head dusky to dark. SIPH dark, or pale only at bases…..7
5 R IV+V 1.20-1.43 × HT II…..Macrosiphum garyreed
R IV+V 0.78-1.09 × HT II…..6
6 Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 38-63 μm, 0.6-1.4 × ANT BD III. Anterior half of subgenital plate usually (77%) with only 2 hairs (18% with 3, 5% with 4-6 hairs) …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Longest hair on ABD TERG 8 is 66-106 μm, 1.4-2.0 × ANT BD III. Anterior half of subgenital plate with 2-11 hairs, usually (77%) with 4-8 hairs …..Macrosiphum gei
7 Head as dark as SIPH. Hind tibiae with pale middle sections …..Macrosiphum rosae
Head dusky, paler than SIPH. Hind tibiae uniformly dark or with dark apices …..8
8 SIPH 0.73-0.95 × ANT III…..Macrosiphum pallidum
SIPH 1.03-1.30 × ANT III…..Macrosiphum valerianae
9 Dorsal body hairs long, thick and capitate, maximally c. 3 × ANT III, with prominently tuberculate bases. SIPH also with 3-4 thick capitate hairs on basal part…..Chaetosiphon janetscheki
Dorsal body hairs not thick and capitate, without tuberculate bases. SIPH without hairs…..10
10 ANT tubercles very well developed, with divergent inner faces. Cuticle of head smooth or with a few spinules ventrally. ANT III with 0-24 rhinaria…..11
Either ANT tubercles weakly developed and head without spicules, or ANT tubercles with well-developed steep-sided inner faces and cuticle of head densely spiculose or nodulose. ANT III with 0-2(-4) rhinaria…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
11BL 0.7-1.6 mm. SIPH 0.15-0.33 mm, slender and usually slightly swollen on distal half. ANT III without rhinaria. (Al. with a dorsal abdominal black patch and sec. rhinaria on ANT III, IV and V)…..Ovatomyzus boraginacearum
BL 1.8-4.0 mm. SIPH 0.45-1.0 mm, tapering, cylindrical or evidently swollen on distal half. ANT III with 1-24 rhinaria. (Al. pale dorsally and with sec. rhinaria restricted to ANT III…..12
12SIPH markedly swollen on distal half, the swollen part being smooth-surfaced. ANT III with 1-7 small rhinaria near base…..13
SIPH tapering or cylindrical, and with imbrication throughout. ANT III with 1-30 rhinaria…..14
13SIPH 2.2-2.8 × cauda. R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II. ANT III with 1-3 rhinaria…..Amphorophora gei
SIPH 1.7-2.0 × cauda. R IV+V 1.4-1.6 × HT II. ANT III with 1-7 rhinaria…..Amphorophora rossi
14SIPH 0.8-1.2 × cauda…..Acyrthosiphon pseudodirhodum
SIPH 1.5-1.5 × cauda…..15
15R IV+V 0.8-0.9 × HT II…..Acyrthosiphon shinanonum
R IV+V 0.92-1.4 × HT II…..Acyrthosiphon malvae group
Gigantochloa Poaceae
Gigantochloa apus [Aphis gossypii];
Astegopteryx minuta, pallida, unimaculata;
Ceratoglyphina bambusae; Pseudoregma bambusicola

Use key to aphids on Bambusa)

Gilia aggregata =Ipomopsis aggregata
G. capitata[Aphis sp. (Leonard 1974: 101)]
G. linearis = Collomia linearis
G. tricolorMacrosiphum euphorbiae
Gilibertia see DendropanaxAraliaceae
Gilibertia pellucidopunctata = Dendropanax dentiger
G. trifida = Dendropanax trifidus
Ginoria americana Aphis spiraecola
Girardinia cuspidata Microlophium carnosum; Myzus dycei
G. diversifoliaAphis gossypii; Dysaphis microsiphon
G. heterophylla= G. diversifolia

Key to apterae on Girardinia:-

1 SIPH very small and thin, 0.03-0.08 mm long. Well-developed marginal tubercles (MTu) present on ABD TERG 1-5, and head with a large pair of spinal tubercles (STu). Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view …..Dysaphis microsiphon
SIPH larger, and MTu, STu and cauda not as above…..2
2 Large spindle-shaped aphid, BL more than 3 mm, ANT much longer than BL. ANT tubercles smooth, with inner faces divergent. Dorsal hairs long and pointed. SIPH long, tapering and normally imbricated, with flared apices …..Microlophium carnosum
Small oval aphid, BL less than 2 mm, ANT much shorter than BL. ANT tubercles scabrous, with inner faces apically convergent. Dorsal hairs inconspicuous. SIPH thick and scaly for most of length, with smooth tapering distal part that is somewhat bent outwards…..Myzus dycei
Girgensohnia oppositiflora Brachyunguis salsolaceanum
Gladiolus communis Aphis gossypii; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
[Myzaphis rosarum]; Myzus persicae
G. daleniiMyzus ascalonicus
G. ×gandavensis[Aphis newtoni; Dysaphis tulipae;
Metopolophium dirhodum; Sitobion akebiae
G. hortulanusAphis fabae, spiraecola; Macrosiphum euphorbiae
G. ×hybridusDysaphis tulipae; Myzus persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus
G. italicusAphis fabae, gossypii; Dysaphis tulipae
G. primulinus = G. dalenii
G. watsonioidesAphis gossypii
Gladiolus ssp.Aphis craccivora; Aulacorthum solani;
Myzus cymbalariae, ornatus;
Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon, staphyleae;
Sitobion africanum, fragariae, graminis, [phyllanthi],
Smynthurodes betae

Key to apterae on Gladiolus:-

1 Cauda helmet-shaped (“pentagonal”), not longer than its basal width, with 4-6 hairs. Head and ABD TERG 8, or 7 and 8, with paired spinal tubercles (STu), and marginal tubercles (MTu) present on prothorax and ABD TERG 1-5, or 1-5 and 7…..Dysaphis tulipae
Cauda (if at all evident) triangular or tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width, with 4-25 hairs. STu absent from head, rarely on ABD TERG 7-8. MTu absent or only regularly present on ABT TERG 1 and 7…..2
2SIPH dark, tapering, with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Hairs on ANT III less than 0.6 × BD III…..3
SIPH (if present) pale or dark, but if dark then either without subapical polygonal reticulation, or strongly swollen. Hairs on ANT III more or less than 0.6 × BD III …..6
3Cauda dark like SIPH…..Sitobion graminis
Cauda pale…..4
4 R IV+V 0.65-0.75 × HT II. Longest hairs on ANT III 20-30 μm …..Sitobion akebiae
R IV+V 0.75-0.9 × HT II. Longest hairs on ANT III 12-20 μm…..5
5 Cauda 0.43-0.55 SIPH and 1.9-2.6 × HT II. Dorsal abdominal sclerotisation often extensive, but not segmentally divided and with ill-defined edges …..Sitobion fragariae
Cauda 0.53-0.6 × SIPH and 2.4-3.0 × HT II. Dorsal abdominal sclerotisation very variable, but when well developed it is segmentally divided and has well-defined edges…..Sitobion africanum
6 SIPH cylindrical, pale, without subapical polygonal reticulation. R IV+V 0.55-0.75 × HT II…..Metopolophium dirhodum
Without that combination of characters; if SIPH are pale, cylindrical (i.e not swollen) and lack subapical reticulation then R IV+V is 0.95-1.35 × HT II…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Glandora diffusaAphis fabae; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
[Ovatomyzus chamaedrys]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Glandularia bipinnatifida Aphis gossypii
G. canadensis [Aphis aubletia]; Myzus ornatus; Protaphis middletonii
G. peruviana Acyrthosiphon malvae; Aphis [capsellae], gossypii;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Myzus ornatus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Glaucium corniculatum Acyrthosiphon glaucii, ilka
G. elegansAcyrthosiphon glaucii
G. fimbrilligerumAcyrthosiphon glaucii
G. flavumAcyrthosiphon ilka, lambersi; Aphis fabae;
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
[Cavariella theobaldi]; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
[Sitobion avenae]
G. grandiflorumAcyrthosiphon lambersi
G. leiocarpumAcyrthosiphon ilka, lambersi
G. luteum = G. flavum
G. squamigerumAcyrthosiphon glaucii
Glaucium spp.[Siphonophora glaucii Lichtenstein (nomen nudum)]

Key to apterae on on Glaucium:-

1 SIPH pale, or only dusky towards apex, cylindrical for most of length, normally imbricated, without subapical polygonal reticulation…..2
SIPH pale or dark, but if pale then either very short, smooth and conical, or with subapical polygonal reticulation…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
2 Head spinulose, with inner faces of ANT tubercles steep-sided, almost parallel…..Aulacorthum solani
Head smooth with ANT tubercles, either weakly developed or with inner faces divergent…..3
3 SIPH short, less than 0.15 × BL, and less than 1.5 × cauda …..Acyrthosiphon glaucii
SIPH 0.18-0.34 × BL, more than 1.7 × cauda…..4
4 ANT tubercles well developed. ANT PT/BASE 3.0-3.7. SIPH without any trace of subapical swelling…..Acyrthosiphon ilka
ANT tubercles weakly developed. ANT PT/BASE 1.9-2.8. SIPH with a very slight swelling immediately proximal to flange…..Acyrthosiphon lambersi
Glaux see LysimachiaPrimulaceae
Glaux maritima= Lysimachia maritima
Glechoma grandis Aulacorthum glechomae
G. hederaceaAphis nasturtii; Aulacorthum glechomae, solani;
[Cavariella aegopodii]; [Cryptomyzus galeopsidis];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ascalonicus, ornatus;
Ovatus glechomae; Prociphilus erigeronensis;
Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae ssp. tulipaellus

Key to apterae on Glechoma:-

1ANT 0.25-0.3 × BL, with PT/BASE less than 1. Cauda and anal plate both extended posteriorly, together forming a dark hairy rounded protruberance. SIPH absent …..Prociphilus erigeronensis
ANT 0.5-1.6 × BL, with PT/BASE 1.7-5. Cauda and anal plate normal. SIPH present…..2
2SIPH evidently swollen, with maximum diameter of swollen part 1.3-2.1 × minimum diameter of basal part…..3
SIPH tapering or cylindrical…..4
3SIPH with minimum diameter of basal part (“stem”) greater than that of hind tibia at midlength, and swollen part as wide as base of cauda. SIPH 3.1-4.3 × R IV+V. ANT III with 1-3 rhinaria near base. Dorsum with dark markings …..Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae ssp. tulipaellus
SIPH with minimum diameter of “stem” less than that of hind tibia at midlength, and swollen part about half as wide as base of cauda. SIPH 1.8-2.5 × R IV+V. ANT III without rhinaria. Dorsum without dark markings…..Myzus ascalonicus
4 Front of head smooth, with ANT tubercles either very weakly developed or well-developed with divergent inner faces …..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 16
Front of head scabrous or spiculose, and ANT tubercles well-developed with steep-sided, almost parallel or convergent inner faces…..5
5 ANT III without rhinaria. Inner faces of ANT tubercles convergent or with convergent processes…..6
ANT III usually with 1-3 small rhinaria near base. Inner faces of ANT tubercles approximately parallel…..7
6 Head and appendages mainly dark. ANT PT/BASE 3.5-4.3. R IV+V with 4-6 accessory hairs. Dorsal abdomen without small dark intersegmental spots. (Immatures with smooth hind tibiae)…..Ovatus glechomae
Head and appendages pale. ANT PT/BASE 1.7-2.8. R IV+V with 2 accessory hairs. Dorsal abdomen ornamented with a pattern of small dark intersegmental spots. (Immatures with spinulose hind tibiae)…..Myzus ornatus
7 Cauda with 6-8, usually 7, hairs. R IV with 5-7 accessory hairs. (Immatures with smooth hind tibiae)…..Aulacorthum solani
Cauda with 4-5 hairs. R IV with 2 accessory hairs. (Immatures with spinulose hind tibiae) …..Aulacorthum glechomae*
Gleditsia Fabaceae
Gleditsia japonica Aphis craccivora; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Myzus persicae; Pseudomegoura magnoliae
G. triacanthosAphis craccivora, fabae; Myzus persicae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Glehnia littoralisMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Semiaphis heraclei
Gleichenia sp.Amphorophora ampullata ssp. bengalensis
Glinus lotoidesAphis gossypii
G. radiatusAphis gossypii
Gliricidia Fabaceae
Gliricidia maculata Indomyzus glaricae (nomen nudum)
G. sepiumAphis craccivora, gossypii

Key to apterae on Gliricidea:-

1Head spinulose with inner faces of antennal tubercles scabrous, divergent. ANT III with c. 4 secondary rhinaria. Dorsal cuticle dark, sclerotic, with dorsal hairs c.2× longer than BD III….. Indomyzus glaricae (nomen nudum)
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Glochidion Euphorbiaceae
Glochidion assamicum = G. ellipticum
Glochidion billardierei = Phyllanthus billardierei
G. cyrtostylumAphis eugeniae
G. ellipticumSchoutedenia ralumensis
G. fagifolium = G. hohenackeri
G. fortuneiAphis eugeniae
G. hohenackeriGreenidea kheemothicola
G. hongkongense Aphis eugeniae
G. obscurumAphis eugeniae
G. philippinenseSchoutedenia ralumensis
G. puberum[Greenidea (Trichosiphum) anonae];
Micromyzus hangzhouensis; Schoutedenia ralumensis
G. sphaerostigmum Schoutedenia ralumensis
G. wilsoniiSchoutedenia ralumensis
G. wrightiiSchoutedenia ralumensis
G. zeylanicum Schoutedenia ralumensis
Glochidion spp. Aphis aurantii, craccivora, fabae, spiraecola;
[Eutrichosiphum makii, pasaniae, takahashii];
[Greenidea (Trichosiphum) quercicola]; [Taoia indica]

Key to species:-

1 SIPH tubular with numerous long hairs…..2
SIPH if tubular then without hairs…..3
2 Body elongate, 2.4-2.7 times longer than wide. Cauda with a median papilla. SIPH with reticulation throughout length. R IV+V 1.50-1.62 × HT II …..Greenidea kheemothicola*
Without that combination of characters (Glochidion may be visited casually or used as a reserve host by various Greenideini) …..Greenideini spp.
3 ABD TERG 7 with a pair of large backward-pointed processes. Antenna 5-segmented, ANT PT/BASE less than 1. Aptera with 3-facetted eyes …..Schoutedenia ralumensis
ABD TERG 7 without large processes. Antennae 6-segmented, ANT PT/BASE more than 1. Aptera with multifacetted eyes…..3
4 Antennal tubercles well developed. Aptera with 1-3 secondary rhinaria on ANT III…..Micromyzus hangzhouensis
Antennal tubercles weakly developed. Aptera without secondary rhinaria on ANT III…..go to key to polyphagous aphids, starting at couplet 14
Glossanthus sp.[Aphis verticolor Rafinesque 1817 (invalid name)]
Gloxinia digitaliflora Myzus persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus
Gloxinia spp.Aphis craccivora; Aulacorthum solani; Myzus ornatus
Use key to polyphagous aphids.
Glyceria aquatica = G. maxima
G. declinataSipha glyceriae
G. fluitansLaingia psammae; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalomyzus lonicerae, poae;
Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae, nymphaeae, padi;
Sipha glyceriae; Sitobion avenae, graminis, fragariae
G. grandisSitobion avenae
G. maritima = Puccinellia maritima
G. maximaMetopolophium dirhodum; Rhopalomyzus poae;
Rhopalosiphum oxyacanthae, padi; Sipha glyceriae;
Sitobion avenae, fragariae
G. natans = Torreyochloa natans
G. nemoralisRhopalosiphum padi; Sitobion avenae
G. notataMelanaphis pyraria; Metopolophium dirhodum;
Rhopalosiphum padi; Sipha glyceriae; Sitobion avenae
G. plicata = G. notata
G. pulchellaMetopolophium dirhodum;Sitobion fragariae
G. striata (incl. nervata) Carolinaia howardii; Sipha glyceriae

Use key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria.

Glycine hispida = G. max
G. javanica = Neonotonia wightii
G. max (incl. ssp. soja) Acyrthosiphon gossypii, kondoi, pisum;
Aphis craccivora, fabae, glycines, gossypii;
Aulacorthum solani; [Hyadaphis coriandri];
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus [dycei], persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus; [Pemphigus sp.];
Smynthurodes betae
G. ussuriensis = G. max ssp. soja

Key to apterae on Glycine:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.5. SIPH absent. Body and appendages densely clothed in fine hairs…..Smynthurodes betae
ANT PT/BASE more than 0.7. SIPH present. Body and appendages not so hairy …..2
2 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation (at least 4-5 rows of closed cells)…..3
SIPH without polygonal reticulation…..4
3 SIPH black. R IV+V 1.1-1.2 × HT II. ABD TERG 8 with 4-6 hairs …..Sitobion nigrinectarium
SIPH pale or dusky. R IV+V 0.95-1.1 × HT II. ABD TERG 8 with 6-8 hairs …..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
4 ANT tubercles well-developed. SIPH pale or dusky. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without MTu…..5
ANT tubercles weakly developed. SIPH dark. ABD TERG 1 and 7 with MTu …..10
5Head smooth, with divergent ANT tubercles…..6
Head spiculose or nodulose, with inner faces of ANT tubercles parallel or convergent apically…..8
6SIPH not attenuated distally, thicker than hind tibiae at their respective midlengths. ANT BASE VI 1.0-1.5 × longer than R IV+V…..Acyrthosiphon kondoi
SIPH attenuated distally, as thin as or thinner than hind tibiae at their respective midlengths. ANT BASE VI 1.8-2.9 × R IV+V…..7
7SIPH 0.42-0.50 × BL and 2.5-3.5 × cauda…..Acyrthosphon gossypii
SIPH 0.23-0.38 × BL and 1.2-1.9 × cauda…..Acyrthosiphon pisum
8Dorsum with a large black roughly U-shaped patch, and black cross-bands on thorax. (Immatures with spinulose hind tibiae)…..Neomyzus circumflexus
Dorsum without dark markings. (Immatures with smooth hind tibiae)…..9
9 SIPH tapering or cylindrical. ANT III almost always with 1-2 small rhinaria near base …..Aulacorthum solani
SIPH slightly clavate. ANT III without rhinaria…..Myzus persicae
10 Dorsal abdomen with an extensive black shield. Cauda black …..Aphis craccivora
Dorsal abdomen without dark markings. Cauda paler than SIPH…..11
11 Cauda 0.08-0.135 × BL (only more than 0.12 × BL in very small specimens with BL less than 1 mm), and 0.8-1.25 × ANT V; pale to dusky, without a constriction, less than 3 × longer than its width at midlength, and bearing 4-7 (usually 5-6) hairs …..Aphis gossypii
Cauda 0.12-0.175 × BL, and 1.05-1.7 × ANT V; very pale, usually with a slight mid-way constriction, more than 3 × longer than its narrowest width at midlength, and bearing 5-10 (usually 7-9) hairs..…Aphis glycines
Glycosmis arborea Aphis spiraecola
G. pentaphyllaGreenidea ficicola, heeri

Key to apterae on Glycosmis:-

(The Greenidea spp. may be vagrants or using this plant as a “reserve host”.)

1 SIPH covered with numerous long hairs…..2
SIPH without hairs…..Aphis spiraecola (or try key to polyphagous aphids)
2 SIPH reticulated only at base, and rather densely spinulose over most of length …..Greenidea heeri
SIPH reticulated over most of length, spinulose only on distal part…..Greenidea ficicola
Glycyrrhiza aspera Acyrthosiphon gossypii; Aphis craccivora, medicaginis
G. astragalinaAphis ortegoi
G. echinataAphis craccivora
G. glabraAcyrthosiphon gossypii, pisum;
Aphis coronillae, craccivora, cytisorum, gossypii,
G. lepidotaAphis craccivora
G. triphyllaAcyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis craccivora
G. uralensisAcyrthosiphon gossypii, pisum; Aphis craccivora
Glycyrrhiza sp.Aphis fabae

Key to apterae on Glycyrrhiza:-

1ANT tubercles very well developed, with smooth divergent inner faces. SIPH pale and attenuated distally, thinner than hind tibiae at their respective midpoints …..2
ANT tubercles weakly developed. SIPH dark, thicker than hind tibiae at their respective midpoints…..3
2SIPH 0.42-0.50 × BL and 2.5-3.5 × cauda…..Acyrthosiphon gossypii
SIPH 0.22-0.37 × BL and 1.2-1.9 × cauda…..Acyrthosiphon pisum
3Dorsum usually with a black sclerotic shield, which under the microscope has a distinct pale reticulation that follows the reticulate sculpturing of the cuticle; sometimes this shield is reduced of fragmented (especially in small specimens developing at higher temperatures), but there are usually at least some small fragments showing a reticulate pattern. SIPH and cauda both black…..4
Dorsum without a black sclerotic shield or reticulated sclerites. SIPH and cauda pale, dusky or dark…..7
4 ABD TERG 2-4 (-6) rather regularly bearing dome-shaped marginal tubercles (MTu), totalling 4-10 on these tergites…..5
ABD TERG 2-6 usually without MTu, rarely with 1-3 small ones…..6
5 Cauda with most hairs short, blunt, and often rather straight. Dorsal sclerotisation often fragmented intersegmentally. Longest hairs on ANT III 5-8 μm, 0.15-0.33 × BD III…..Aphis medicaginis
Cauda with long, curved, finely-pointed hairs. Dorsal sclerotisation usually forming a solid patch. Longest hairs on ANT III 8-16 μm, 0.36-0.72 × BD III ….. Aphis coronillae
6R IV+V 0.88-1.16 × HT II (mostly 0.9-1.05 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2 (-3) hairs…..Aphis craccivora
R IV+V 0.97-1.3 × HT II (mostly 1.06-1.2 ×). Anterior half of genital plate with 2-8 hairs (mode 4, mean 5.2)…..Aphis cytisorum
7Aptera with small, oval secondary rhinaria distributed on ANT III (1-15), and with 0-5 on IV and 0-1 on V. SIPH mainly pale, darker towards apices…..Aphis ortegoi*
Aptera without secondary rhinaria. SIPH uniformly dark…..8
8SIPH and cauda both black, the latter bearing 11-25 hairs…..Aphis fabae
SIPH distinctly darker than cauda, which bears 4-7(-8) hairs…..Aphis gossypii
Gmelina arborea Aphis gossypii
Gnaphalium (including Omalotheca)Asteraceae
Gnaphalium affine [Aphis gnaphalii Shinji 1927];
[Macrosiphoniella yomogifoliae]
G. americanum = Gamochaeta americana
G. antillanum = Gamochaeta antillana
G. arenarium = Helichrysum arenarium
G. argenteumMacrosiphum euphorbiae
G. attenuatumAphis spiraecola; Brachycaudus helichrysi
G. beneolens = Pseudognaphalium microcephalum
G. bicolor = Pseudognaphalium bioletti
G. brachypterum = Pseudognaphalium brachypterum
G. californicum = Pseudognaphalium californicum
G. caucasicum = Gnaphaliumsylvaticum
G. chilense = Helichrysum chilense
G. declinatumAphis spiraecola
G. decurrens [“Nectarophora sp.” – Cockerell 1903: 171]
G. dioicum = Antennaria dioica
G. erectumPemphigus populinigrae
G. germanica = Filago vulgaris
G. hypoleucumCapitophorus gnathalifoliae
G. indicumAphis gossypii
G. inornatum = Pseudognaphalium inornatum
G. japonicumAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Oedisiphum compositarum
G. leontopodium = Leontopodium alpinum
G. luteoalbum = Helichrysum luteoalbum
G. multiceps = Helichrysum luteoalbum
G. norvegicumBrachycaudus helichrysi
G. obtusifolium = Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
G. peregrinum = Gamochaeta pensylvanica
G. polycephalumAphis gossypii;
[Uroleucon sp. (as Dactynotus – Leonard 1968, 345)]
G. portoricenseUroleucon ambrosiae
G. purpureum = Gamochaeta purpurea
G. spathulatum = Gamochaeta pensylvanica
G. supinumMacrosiphoniella olgae
G. sylvaticumBrachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphoniella olgae;
Oedisiphum compositarum; Pemphigus populinigrae;
Pleotrichophorus filaginis, [?glandulosus];
[Trama troglodytes]; [Uroleucon cichorii]
G. uliginosumAphis nasturtii, [Aphis sp.(Davletshina 1964)];
Aulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Myzus ornatus; Pemphigus populinigrae;
Uroleucon gobonis
G. undulatumAulacorthum solani; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Myzus persicae; Uroleucon compositae
Gnaphalium spp. Aphis craccivora, [Aphis (Protaphis) sp.(Mier Durante
1978, 93)]; [Cavariella salicicola]; [Dysaphis microsiphon];
Hyperomyzus (Neonasonovia) sp. (U.P., India; BMNH
collection, leg. D. Bhattacharya);
Pemphigus sp. (India, U.P., BMNH collection);
Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale;
Tuberocephalus sp. nr tsengi (Japan, BMNH collection);
Uroleucon erigeronense, sinuense

Key to apterae on Gnaphalium and Pseudognaphalium:-

1SIPH absent. ANT about 0.2 × BL, with PT/BASE 0.17-0.20. ABD TERG 3-7 with wax gland plates…..2
SIPH present, ANT more than 0.3 × BL, with PT/BASE more than 0.5. No wax gland plates…..3
2R IV+V 1.2-1.4 × HT II…..Pemphigus populinigrae
R IV+V 0.8-0.9 × HT II …..Pemphigus sp. (?mordwilkoi; India, BMNH collection)
3Dorsal hairs numerous, with fan-shaped or capitate apices, arising from tuberculate bases…..4
Dorsal hairs without fan-shaped or capitate apices, with or without tuberculate bases…..5
4SIPH swollen on distal part. ANT I with capitate hairs arising from tuberculate bases…..Capitophorus gnathalifoliae*
SIPH cylindrical (slightly flared at apex). ANT I without capitate hairs…..Pleotrichophorus filaginis
5Cauda helmet-shaped, slightly constricted near base, shorter than or not clearly longer than its basal width, and bearing 4-6 hairs…..6
Cauda bluntly conical, tongue- or finger-shaped, either distinctly longer than its basal width or bearing more than 10 hairs…..8
6 RIV+V less than 0.15 mm long, 1.1-1.5 × HT II. SIPH conical, pale, almost smooth. Spiracular apertures large and rounded. Tergum membranous…..Brachycaudus helichrysi
R IV+V more than 0.20 mm long, more than 2 × HT II. SIPH dark, cylindrical or slightly swollen, imbricated. Spiracular apertures small and reniform. Tergum with variably developed dark sclerotisation…..7
7 Longest hairs on ANT III 12-15 μm, shorter than ANT BD III, and longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 15-36 μm, less than 2 × ANT BD III …..Oedisiphum compositarum
Longest hairs on ANT III 18-21 μm, as long as or longer than ANT BD III, and longest hairs on ABD TERG 3 50-60 μm, more than 2 × ANT BD III …..Oedisphum soureni
8 ANT tubercles undeveloped or weakly developed, or if well developed then densely spiculose or scabrous and with parallel or apically convergent inner faces. SIPH without a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation…..9
ANT tubercles well developed, with almost smooth, divergent inner faces. SIPH often with distal or subapical polygonal reticulation…..10
9 Eyes reduced to 10-30 facets, with no distinct ocular tubercle (triommatidium). ANT I very wide, 2 or more × thicker than ANT II…..Tuberocephalus sp. near tsengi (Japan, BMNH collection)
Eyes with many more than 30 facets and a distinct ocular tubercle. ANT I less than 2 × thicker than ANT II…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
10 SIPH pale, or dusky towards apices…..11
SIPH uniformly dark, or paler only in middle…..13
11 SIPH cylindrical on distal half, with reticulation on subapical 0.13-0.20 of length. R IV+V 0.9-1.1 × HT II…..Macrosiphum euphorbiae
SIPH swollen on distal half, if with reticulation than this does not extend beyond 0.07 of length. R IV+V 1.5-2.3 × HT II…..12
12 Thoracic spiracles similar in size to abdominal ones. R IV+V 1.5-1.7 × HT II. SIPH 2.2-2.5 × cauda, imbricated and with some subapical reticulation. ANT III with rhinaria regularly spaced in a row…..Illinoia richardsi
Thoracic spiracles much larger than abdominal ones. R IV+V c.2.3 × HT II. SIPH 1.4-1.5 × cauda, almost smooth, without subapical reticulation. ANT III with rhinaria clustered on swollen part near base……Hyperomyzus (Neonasonovia) sp.
(U.P., India; BMNH collection, leg. D. Bhattacharya)
13 SIPH more than 10 × longer than their width at midlength, with at most 1-3 rows of subapical polygonal reticulation. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 much shorter than ANT BD III, and without pigmented basal scleroites…..Acyrthosiphon bidenticola
SIPH thicker, less than 10 × their width at midlength, with many rows of polygonal reticulation. Hairs on ABD TERG 1-5 longer than ANT BD III and often arising from pigmented scleroites…..14
14 SIPH about 1.1-1.2 × cauda, and reticulated over about half of length…..Macrosiphoniella olgae*
SIPH 1.1-2.3 × cauda, and reticulated over distal 0.23-0.40 of length…..15
15 Cauda dark. SIPH 1.8-2.1 × cauda. ANT III with 51-77 rhinaria…..Uroleucon compositae (or gobonis?)
Cauda either entirely pale or faintly smoky on distal half. SIPH 1.1-2.3 × cauda. ANT III with 5-46 rhinaria…..16
16 Coxae dark. Dorsal hairs not arising from dark scleroites …..Uroleucon sonchi
Coxae pale. Dorsal hairs with or without dark basal scleroites…..17
17 SIPH distally dark and basally pale. Cauda with one or more distal hairs short and blunt or capitate. ANT III with 5-17 rhinaria. R IV+V longer than HT II. Dorsal cephalic hairs 18-36 μm…..Uroleucon erigeronense
SIPH entirely dark. Cauda with all hairs of normal length. Other characters not in that combination…..18
18 R IV+V with no more than 10 accessory hairs…..19
R IV+V with 12-32 accessory hairs…..22
19 Cauda faintly dusky to brown on distal half only…..Uroleucon chani
Cauda pale or uniformly dusky over entire length20
20 R IV+V 1.8-2.3 × HT II. SIPH 1.5-1.8 × cauda, which is dusky …..Uroleucon russellae
R IV+V 0.9-1.5 × HT II. SIPH 1.1-1.3 × cauda, which is pale21
21HT II rather long and thin, about 6 × its maximum thickness, and 0.9-1.1 × R IV+V …..Uroleucon pseudambrosiae
HT II shorter, less than 5 × its maximum thickness and 0.7-0.85 × R IV+V…..Uroleucon ambrosiae
22 R IV+V 0.25-0.27 mm, with 12-19 accessory hairs that are 22-35 μm long. SIPH reticulated over 0.30-0.41 of length…..Uroleucon sinuense
R IV+V 0.14-0.23 mm, with 20-32 accessory hairs that are 32-50 μm long. SIPH reticulated over 0.21-0.35 of length…..Uroleucon gnaphalii
Gnetum Gnetaceae
Gnetum parvifolium Aphis gnetuma
Gnidia Thymelaeaceae
Gnidia sp.Sitobion wikstroemiae
Gochnatia sp.Uroleucon gochnatiae
Godetia see ClarkiaOnagraceae
Goebelia see Sophora Fabaceae
Goldbachia laevigata Aphis gossypii
Goldfussia see StrobilanthesAcanthaceae
Gomphocarpus cornutus = G. fruticosus
G. fruticosusAphis fabae, gossypii, nerii; Myzus persicae
G. lanatus = G.tomentosus
G. physocarpusAphis gossypii, nerii
G. purpurascensAphis nerii
G. sinaicusAphis nerii
G. tomentosusAphis nerii

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gomphrena celosioides Aphis gossypii; [Hysteroneura setariae]
G. globosaAphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae, [salviae], stellariae;
Myzus certus, persicae; Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
Use key to polyphagous aphids, but note that specimens running to Macrosiphum euphorbiae could be M. stellariae, and those running to Myzus persicae could be M. certus; for separation of these species-pairs see the key to aphids on Dianthus, couplets 3 and 16 respectively.
Gonatanthus sp.Aphis asclepiadis
Gongronema latifolium Aphis gossypii
G. nepalense [Greenidea ficicola]
Goniolimon rubellum Staticobium latifoliae
G. speciosum Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
G. tataricumStaticobium gmelini, insularum

Use key to aphids on Limonium.

Gonolobus see AmpelamusApocynaceae
Gonolobus laevis = Ampelamus laevis
Gonospermum fruticosum [Brevicoryne brassicae]
Gonostegia hirtaAphis citricidus, gossypii, nasturtii, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus helichrysi

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gonzalagunia(including Duggena)Rubiaceae
Gonzalagunia brachyantha Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
G. hirsuta Aphis aurantii, gossypii
G. spicata = G. hirsuta

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gooodenia brunnea Brachycaudus helichrysi
Goodyera sp.Ericaphis ?wakibae (see
Gordonia axillaris Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
G. ekmanii Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
G. obtusaAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Gossypium arboreum Aphis gossypii; Myzus persicae
G. barbadenseAphis gossypii
G. herbaceumAcyrthosiphon gossypii, [gossypicola];
Aphis craccivora, fabae, frangulae, gossypii, spiraecola;
Brachyunguis harmalae (as plotnikovi);
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus persicae;
Protaphis middletonii; Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale;
Smynthurodes betae
G. hirsutumAcyrthosiphon gossypii; Aphis craccivora, gossypii;
Brachyunguis harmalae (as plotnikovi); Myzus persicae;
Neomyzus circumflexus; Smynthurodes betae
G. indicum = G. arboreum
G. nanking = G. herbaceum
G. sturtianumAphis gossypii
Gossypium spp.Aphis [poacyni], [umbrella]; Rectinasus buxtoni

Key to apterae on Gossypium:-

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 0.3. Body and appendages densely hairy. SIPH absent …..2
ANT PT/BASE at least 0.5. Body and appendages not densely hairy. SIPH present …..3
2ANT V BASE and R IV+V both very long, respectively about 1.7 and 2.5 × width of head between antennal bases. ANT II similar in length to ANT I, much shorter than III.….Rectinasus buxtoni
ANT V BASE and R IV+V of normal length , both about 0.5 × width of head between antennal bases. ANT II about twice as long as ANT I, similar in length to III ..…Smynthurodes betae
3 SIPH pale and attenuated distally, thinner than hind tibia at their respective midpoints, and 2.5-3.5 × cauda…..Acyrthosiphon gossypii
SIPH pale or dark, thicker than hind tibia at their respective midpoints, and less than 2.5 × cauda…..4
4 ANT 5-segmented, bearing long, fine hairs, many of them more than 2 × BD III. SIPH cylindrical for most of length but markedly constricted just proximal to flange…..Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale
ANT usually 6-segmented, with shorter hairs. SIPH without a marked subapical constriction…..5
5 ANT PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH pale, 0.4-0.6 × cauda …..Brachyunguis harmalae
ANT PT/BASE 1.4-6.2. SIPH pale or dark, 0.8-2.5 × cauda…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Gouania polygama Aphis gossypii
Gourliea decorticans = Geoffroea decorticans
Graffenrieda rufescens Aphis spiraecola
Graphistemma pictum Aphis nerii
Gratiola officinalis Aphis [chloris], gratiolae, nasturtii; Aulacorthum solani;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Key to apterae on Gratiola:-

SIPH dark, about 1.2 × cauda, which bears 4-5 hairs. R IV+V c. 0.75 × HT II…..Aphis gratiolae
Without this combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Gravesia sp.Brachycaudus helichrysi
Greigia sp.Aphis sp. – Leonard 1972a: 101
Grevillea Proteaceae
Grevillea robustaAphis aurantii, gossypii; Myzus persicae
G. thelemanniana Aphis gossypii
Grevillea sp.Aulacorthum solani

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Grewia bilobaAphis gossypii
G. mollisAphis gossypii
G. occidentalisAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
G. oppositifoliaSinomegoura citricola
G. optivaSinomegoura citricola
G. ovalis (?)Aphis gossypii
G. tiliifoliaAphis aurantii, gossypii; Sinomegoura citricola
Grewia sp. (?tomentosa) Cervaphis schouteniae

Key to apterae on Grewia:-

Body with very long, branched hair-bearing marginal processes…..Cervaphis schouteniae
Body without such processes…..go to key to polyphagous aphids

Greyia sutherlandii Aphis odinae; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Grindelia chiloensis Aphis melosae; Myzus persicae; Uroleucon payuniense
G. cuneifolia = G. hirsutula
G. hirsutulaBrachycaudus helichrysi; [Illinoia grindeliae];
Uroleucon chani, grindeliae, richardsi,
G. integrifoliaAulacorthum solani; Uroleucon erigeronense, penderum
G. nana = G. hirsutula
G. perennis = G. hirsutula
G. squarrosa[Anoecia corni], Atarsos grindeliae;
Illinoia grindeliae, grindeliae ssp. palmerae;
Uroleucon richardsi, robinsoni
G. stricta = G. hirsutula
Grindelia sp.[Protaphis middletonii]; [Uroleucon brevisiphon]

Key to apterae on Grindelia:-

1 Tarsi absent. ANT III-V with secondary rhinairia (sometimes III and IV are fused). ANT PT/BASE 1.0-1.4…..Atarsos grindeliae
Two-segmented tarsi present. Secondary rhinaria absent or on ANT III only. ANT PT/BASE 1.4-6.5…..2
2 ANT tubercles weakly developed or undeveloped. SIPH without subapical reticulation …..3
ANT tubercles well developed. SIPH with or without subapical reticulation …..4
3 Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width in dorsal view, with 4-7 hairs. SIPH pale, smooth, conical, with an annular subapical incision. Spiracular apertures rounded. Dorsum without dark markings or reticulate sculpturing. No marginal tubercles (MTu) …..Brachycaudus helichrysi
Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width, with 6-12 hairs. SIPH dark, coarsely imbricated, with no annular subapical incision. Spiracular apertures reniform. Dorsum with variably developed dark markings and reticulate sculpturing. Large MTu present on prothorax and ABD TERG 1 and 7…..Aphis melosae
4SIPH without a distinct zone of reticulation, at most with subapical transverse striae and 1-2 rows of indistinct polygonal cells…..5
SIPH with a distinct distal zone of reticulation extending 0.2 or more of its length and with numerous polygonal cells…..7
5Head spiculose, with inner faces of ANT tubercles approximately parallel. SIPH tapering or cylindrical on distal half. ANT III with 0-3 (usually 1) rhinaria…..Aulacorthum solani
Head smooth, with inner faces of ANT tubercles divergent. SIPH slightly swollen on distal half. ANT III with 2-5 rhinaria…..6
6ANT PT/BASE 4.0-4.3. Cauda 1.5-1.8 × R IV+V, which is 1.25-1.5 × HT II…..Illinoia grindeliae
ANT PT/BASE 4.5-4.9. Cauda 1.9-2.4 × R IV+V which is 1.1-1.2 × HT II…..Illinoia grindeliae ssp. palmerae
7 SIPH entirely dark…..Uroleucon chani
SIPH pale, at least on basal part…..8
8 ANT III with 12-31 rhinaria extending to 0.80-0.98 from base, with the majority on distal half…..Uroleucon richardsi
ANT III with 5-26 rhinaria extending to 0.4-0.8 from base, with the majority on basal half…..9
9 R IV+V 0.9-1.2 × HT II, with 6-10 accessory hairs. SIPH 1.85-2.5 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.2-5.7…..10
R IV+V 1.15-1.5 × HT II, with 7-13 accessory hairs. SIPH 1.5-2.6 × cauda. ANT PT/BASE 3.0-5.2…..11
10 Siphunculi pale at base, dark over most of length. Distal caudal hairs usually short and blunt or capitate. Dorsal cephalic hairs 18-35 μm long…..Uroleucon erigeronense
Siphunculi pale. Distal caudal hairs pointed. Dorsal cephalic hairs 45-55 μm long…..Uroleucon payuniense
11ANT PT/BASE 3.0-3.5. ANT PT 1.0-1.1 × cauda. R IV+V with 6-9 accessory hairs ..…Uroleucon grindeliae
ANT PT/BASE 3.6-5.2. ANT PT 1.5-2.0 × cauda. R IV+V with 9-13 accessory hairs…..12
12SIPH 2.2-2.6 × cauda. R IV+V 1.15-1.3 × HT II. Tibiae dusky/dark for most of length …..Uroleucon robinsoni
SIPH 1.65-1.95 × cauda. R IV+V 1.3-1.6 × HT II. Tibiae pale except at apices…..Uroleucon penderum
Grisebachianthus libanotica Aphis aurantii, gossypii, spiraecola;
Neomyzus circumflexus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gronophyllum see HydriasteleArecaceae
Grossularia see RibesGrossulariaceae
GuaiacumLignum vitae Zygophyllaceae
No aphids recorded

Guapira fragransAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Guazuma Malvaceae
Guazuma tomentosa = G. ulmifolia
G. ulmifoliaAphis aurantii, gossypii; Cervaphis schouteniae

See couplet under Grewia.

Guettarda Rubiaceae
Guettarda krugiiAphis spiraecola
G. scabraAphis gossypii
Use key to polyphagous aphids
Guiera senegalensis Aphis gossypii
Guizotia abyssinica Aphis craccivora, fabae; Macrosiphum euphorbiae;
[Melanaphis sp.]; [Rhopalosiphum maidis];
Uroleucon compositae (as jaceae)
G. aethiopica (?)Aphis gossypii, spiraecola

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gundelia tournefortii Aphis gossypii; Brachycaudus cardui, helichrysi;
Myzus persicae; Uroleucon iranicum
Gundelia sp.Aphis craccivora; [Protaphis iliensis]

Key to apterae on Gundelia:-

1 SIPH dark with distal polygonal reticulation extending over 0.33-0.44 of length. ANT III bearing 27-51 rhinaria extending over most of length. Cauda pale, 2.5-2.9 × ANT BASE VI and bearing 8-12 hairs…..Uroleucon iranicum
Without that combination of characters…..2
2 Dorsum with an extensive black sclerotic shield. Mesosternum with a pair of dark mammariform processes. Cauda short and rounded …..Brachycaudus cardui
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Gunnera chilensis = G. tinctoria
G. magellanicaAphis carrilloi; Myzus ornatus
G. tinctoriaNeuquenaphis valdiviana

Key to apterae on Gunnera:-

1.Cauda knobbed. Head, thorax and abdomen with finger-like processes. (Al. also with such processes on ABD TERG 1-3)…..Neuquenaphis valdiviana
Cauda not knobbed. Body without finger-like processes…..2
2.Head smooth with ANT tubercles undeveloped. SIPH dark, similar in length to the equally dark cauda, which bears 8-16 hairs. First tarsal segments with 3-5 (commonly 4) hairs…..Aphis carrilloi
Head nodulose with ANT tubercles well-developed and apically convergent. SIPH pale/dusky, more than twice as long as the pale cauda which bears 4-6 hairs. First tarsal segments with 3 hairs (or try key to polyphagous aphids)…..Myzus ornatus
Gurania makoyana Aphis gossypii
Gutenbergia cordifolia Aphis gossypii, spiraecola; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Myzus ornatus; Uroleucon compositae

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Gutierrezia bracteata = G. californica
G. californicaUroleucon erigeronense
G. iserniiUroleucon riojanum
G. longifolia = G. sarothrae
G. sarothraeAphis crypta, gutierrezis; Pleotrichophorus utensus;
Uroleucon escalantii, zerogutierrezis
Gutierrezia spp.Pleotrichophorus pycnorhysus

These species are included in the key to aphids on the related genus Chrysothamnus.

Guttardasee MatthiolaBrassicaceae
Guyonia ciliataAphis (Toxoptera) aurantii
Gymnadenia odoratissima Aphis fabae, [ilicis]

(or try key to orchid feeders under Cymbidium)

Gymnaster pygmaeus = Aster savatieri var. pygmaeus
G. savatieri = Aster savatieri
Gymnema Apocynaceae
Gymnema inodorum Pseudomegoura nipponica
G. tingens = G. inodorum
Gymnocarpium dryopteris Amphorophora ampullata; Idiopterus nephrelepidis;
Macrosiphum dryopteridis; Taiwanomyzus alpicola
G. robertianumMacrosiphum dryopteridis; Taiwanomyzus alpicola

Use key to fern-feeding aphids under Polypodium.

Gymnocarpos decandrus Aphis craccivora; Brachyunguis harmalae;
Myzus persicae

Key to apterae on Gymnocarpos:-

ANT PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH pale, 0.4-0.6 × cauda …..Brachyunguis harmalae
ANT PT/BASE 2.0-5.3. SIPH pale or dark, longer than cauda…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Gymnogramma totta Micromyzus nikkoensis

(or use key to fern-feeding aphids under Polypodium)

Gymnophyton polycephalum Aphis cuyana
Gymnosperma glutinosum Uroleucon erigeronense, zacatecense

Key to apterae on Gymnosperma:-

(Both species have SIPH pale basally and dark distally, with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation.)

ABD TERG 2-5 without marginal tubercles (MTu). ANT III with rhinaria restricted to basal 0.7 of length…..Uroleucon erigeronense
ABD TERG 2-5 mostly with MTu. Rhinaria on ANT III distributed over 0.71-0.93 of length

…..Uroleucon zacatecense*

Gymnosporia see MaytenusCelastraceae
Gynandropsis see CleomeCapparaceae
G. gynandra = Cleome gynandra
G. pentaphylla = Cleome gynandra
Gynerium sagittatum Hysteroneura setariae

(or try key to apterae of grass-feeding aphids under Digitaria)

Gynura angulosa = G.cusimbua
G. aurantiacaAphis gossypii; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus
G. crepidioides = Crassocephalum crepidioides
G. cusimbuaAphis gossypii, spiraecola; Brachycaudus helichrysi;
Hyperomyzus carduellinus; [Brachysiphoniella montana]; Myzus persicae; [Sitobion rosaeiformis]
G. guinensis (?)Aphis gossypii
G. nepalensisAphis aurantii, gossypii, spiraecola;
Brachycaudus helichrysi; Hyperomyzus carduellinus;
Myzus ornatus, persicae; Neomyzus circumflexus
G. procumbensAphis gossypii; Uroleucon vernoniae
G. sarmentosa = G. procumbens
G. scandensAphis fabae; Aulacorthum solani; Myzus ornatus
Gynura sp.Uroleucon sonchi (ssp. afghanicum?)
Key to apterae on Gynura:-
1 SIPH dark, with a distal zone of polygonal reticulation, 1.4-1.9 × cauda, which is long, slender and pale and bears 23-30 hairs…..Uroleucon sonchi
Without that combination of characters; if SIPH are dark and have polygonal reticulation then cauda is also dark…..2
2 SIPH dark with polygonal reticulation, cauda also dark, R IV+V 1.5-1.8 × HT II, and ANT III with 23-57 rhinaria…..Uroleucon vernoniae
Without that combination of characters…..3
3 SIPH smooth, pale, and swollen on distal 0.7, maximum width of swollen part being 1.3-1.5 × minimum width of basal part. ANT III with 5-30 rhinaria. ANT PT/BASE 4.4-6.8…..Hyperomyzus carduellinus
Without that combination of characters…..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Gypsophila altissima Aphidura naimanica, togaica; Aphis craccivora
G. arenaria = G. fastigiata
G. davuricaAphis gypsophilae
G. elegansMyzus cymbalariae, persicae; Smynthurodes betae
G. fastigiataAphidura gypsophilae; Aphis craccivora, gypsophilae
G. paniculataAphidura gypsophilae, naimanica, pannonica;
[Aphis sp. (Leonard 1973:16)];
[Brachycaudus amygdalinus]
G. perfecta (?)Aulacorthum solani
G. perfoliataAphidura gypsophilae, naimanica, togaica
G. polycladaAphidura togaica
G. porrecta (?)[Aphis sp. (Leonard 1973:16)]
G. repensMyzus ornatus
G. struthium ssp. hispanica Brachyunguis harmalae
Gypsophila sp.Aphidura graeca; Aphis gossypii; Macrosiphum stellariae

Key to apterae on Gypsophila:-

(Couplets 3-7 are partly based on Nieto Nafría et al. 2013.)

1 ANT PT/BASE less than 1. SIPH pale, 0.4-0.6 ×cauda …..Brachyunguis harmalae
ANT PT/BASE more than 1 (unless SIPH are absent). SIPH dark if shorter than cauda…..2
2 SIPH very short and dark, only 0.35-0.4 × the long dark cauda …..Aphis gypsophilae
SIPH (if present) pale or dark, as long as or longer than cauda…..3
3 ANT tubercles low, somewhat scabrous, and median frontal tubercle (on ventral side of head) developed to a similar extent and also scabrous. ABD TERG 1 and 7 without marginal tubercles (MTu). Anterior part of mesosternum with a pair of spinal mammariform processes, ornamented with spinules…..4
If ANT tubercles are low then ABD TERG 1 and 7 have marginal tubercles. Mesosternum without a pair of mammariform processes…..8
4 SIPH distinctly clavate, with maximum width of swollen part at least 1.3 × minimum width basad…..5
SIPH cylindrical or only slightly clavate; maximum width of swollen part less than 1.2 × minimum width basad…..6
5 Abdominal dorsum membranous and pale with only intersegmental muscle plates pigmented. SIPH pale…..Aphidura graeca*
Abdominal dorsum with pigmented patches and sclerites, usually comprising sclerotic bands on metanotum and ABD TERG 7 and 8, and a broken patch on ABD TERG 1-6. SIPH dark…..Aphidura naimanica*
6 Head, prothorax (with a complete or fragmented transversal band) and SIPH brown. Abdominal spinopleural patch variably developed and pigmented and sometimes fragmented or (often in small specimens) absent…..Aphidura pannonica
Head, prothorax and SIPH pale (SIPH sometimes brownish towards apices). Abdomen variably sclerotised and variably pigmented…..7
7 ANT PT/BASE 3.4-4.4. R IV+V at least 1.0 × HT II…..Aphidura togaica*
ANT PT/BASE 5.0-5.5. R IV+V shorter than HT II …..Aphidura gypsophilae
8 SIPH with a subapical zone of polygonal reticulation. Femora usually with a dark spot or patch near apices. ABD TERG 2-3 with longest hair 26-56 μm, usually as long as or longer than ANT BD III. Subgenital plate with 2-13 hairs in addition to those on posterior margin…..Macrosiphum stellariae
SIPH without subapical polygonal reticulation, or if they have then other characters are not in that combination …..go to key to polyphagous aphids


Habenaria dilatata = Piperia dilatata
H. monorrhizaAulacorthum solani; Neomyzus circumflexus
H. tridactylitesAphis fabae

Use key to polyphagous aphids, or try key to orchid feeders under Cymbidium)

Hackelia Boraginaceae
Hackelia patensMacrosiphum euphorbiae
Hackelochloa granularis Aphis gossypii
Hacquetia epipactis Aphis fabae
Haemaria see LudisiaOrchidaceae
Haemaria discolor = Ludisia discolor
Hagenia Rosaceae
Hagenia abyssinica Aphis gossypii; Aulacorthum solani;
Macrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus;
[Sitobion leelamaniae (? – as chanikiwiti]

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Hakea leucopteraMacrosiphum euphorbiae;
[Amphorophora sp., Leonard 1972a]
H. sericeaAphis gossypii; Sitobion africanum
Hakea spp.Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii

Key to apterae on Hakea:-

SIPH dark with subapical polygonal reticulation (a few rows of large polygonal cells). Dorsum with variably developed dark cross-bands (often absent). Hairs on dorsal body body and antennae very short and blunt…..Sitobion africanum
Without this combination of characters …..go to key to polyphagous aphids
Halesia carolinaMacrosiphum euphorbiae; Myzus ornatus

Use key to polyphagous aphids.

Halimione Amaranthaceae
Halimione portulacoides = Atriplex portulacoides
Halimiocistus (Halimium × Cistus)Cistaceae
Halimiocistus sahucii Myzus ornatus
Halimium alyssoides Aphis cisticola, helianthemi, lichtensteini
H. halimifoliumAphis helianthemi
H. ocymoides (= occimoides) Aphis cisticola
H. umbellatumAphis cisticola, lichtensteini

Key to apterae on Halimium:-

1R IV+V 1.75-2.50 × HT II and bearing 6-10 accessory hairs. HT II very short, 0.65-0.83 × ANT BASE VI. Marginal tubercles (MTu) small and often absent from ABD TERG 1 and 7…..Aphis lichtensteini
R IV+V 1.28-2.05 × HT II and bearing 2-3 accessory hairs. HT II 0.72-1.20 × ANT BASE VI. MTu always present and well developed on ABD TERG 1 and 7…..2
2SIPH variably pigmented, rarely entirely dark, and 0.7-1.4 × cauda. ABD TERG 7 and 8 with faint and inconspicuous cross-bands…..Aphis helianthemi
SIPH entirely dark, 1.1-3.6 × cauda. ABD TERG 7 and 8 with clearly defined dark cross-bands…..Aphis cisticola
Halimodendron argenteum Aphis craccivora
H. halodendronAcyrthosiphon pisum; Aphis craccivora;
[Therioaphis sp. (Kazakhstan;Kadyrbekov 2011a)]

Use key to apterae on Echinospartium.

Halleria lucida[Aphis sp.; Leonard 1972a, 101]; Myzus persicae
Halocharis hispida Brachyunguis salsolacearum
Halogeton sp.Aphis craccivora/salsolae group (Pakistan, BMNH colln)
Haloragis sp.Myzus persicae
Halothamnus (including Aellenia)Amaranthaceae
Halothamnus hierochunticus Brachyunguis harmalae
Haloxylon ammodendron Brachyunguis saxaulica; Ephedraphis haloxylon
H. aphyllum = H. ammodendron
H. persicum[Aphis craccivora]; Brachyunguis saxaulica

Key to apterae on Haloxylon:-

Cauda tongue-shaped, longer than its basal width, similar in length to SIPH, with c.10 hairs. R IV+V with blunt apex. ANT PT/BASE c.1.0….. Brachyunguis saxaulica
Cauda helmet-shaped, shorter than its basal width, with 5-6 hairs. R IV+V with a thin beak-like process. ANT PT/BASE 1.1-1.5….. Ephedraphis haloxylon